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≈FuŋŊγ ÃßЧςς ĈĪŦγ≈
You say you love my blog but you fall asleep while reading it


The name is MissWhat. Pronounced similar to Huh but I don't live in box and neither could I be found there. I'm in love with Century Gothic, Kristen ITC and Rage Italic. And, abit of Tahoma. They're famous, like obviously you'll know who they are. I'm a die-hard fan of White, Pink and Gray. Not much of Black. Chocolate and Cheese are my two best friends, they're always by my side whenever I need them. My greatest enemies are Liar, Backstabber, Hypocrite and Nag. I hate them alot. World would be sucha better place without them all.

bold underlined strikethrough italic


"If we live our life in fear,
I'll wait a thousand years
Just to see you smile again "


Did I hear someone said "cheese" or "chocolate"?

Ben & Jerry's Ice-Cream
Ipod Touch
Cinema: Watch Legion
Part-time Sales Assistant Job
That Handbag from Prada
Meet Jaejoong n rest of TVXQ members




Meet the people I love♥



Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

October 2009
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
December 2010
April 2011


Layout Designer:

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Piece of !@#$%^&* that i think would work in my art class duh =_=..why i need this thing..its simple..$%^#

@ man..i dunno why this pix call "art"...just look @ it..i dunno what it is at all!

But!..this is what i call art...
a children drawing ^__^ an innocent child mind that so clean & clear..this is what i call "art"

♥our lips must always be sealed
5:59 AM

Friday, October 16, 2009

My Everlasting best buddy
Rebecca Hoh..gosh this asshole always said her name is "Cherry" blugh..i always hit her whenever she said that..the one who name her rebecca is me ^__^ (proud of it) we call her BeckHA..She just like me..fan of TVXQ (DBSK) & WE R TWINS!!! both of us like Jaejoong ^^

My Other half..
Anya..i gave her that name coz..she exactly like meh..talk 24\7..but we never gossiping k..i dont want talk shit about her..she just amazing gurl..i admire her so much..even though she the youngest among my bestix..she the most matured & i know that she will be a grate housewife one day

Hairy Leg
This girl go by the name Asukaii..kindda annoying..sensitive overloaded..smart s***..Oh My gawd sun..if you guys see her hairy leg..boys maybe jump over the london bridge..she hot temper..love korea also..suju p-a-n..& this freak is such a damn rich girl..

Moo-sik lobor
DJ Wawa..korean Maniac same as me..SuJu & Big Bang lover but mostly love One tree hill Chad Michale..This bitch such a joker @ my class..& also our class leadJa (leader) We call her LeadJa Jaebum ^__^..also i like her becoz she never act slutty like others & such a cool person i ever had know...

Used To Be ( I guess)
This friend of mine called "NadZU"...this annoying,cocky & NERD bitch is my bestiz since we in elementary.She kindda snobbish & cranky & thats make her perfect bitch.. she a straight A student who never disappoint our teachers,school & parents [i wanna puke] & such an athlete ...A playgirl an also known as "LoVe_VamPire" by others students..kk..FYI..our school all girls k ^__^..she a fan of FT Island

♥our lips must always be sealed
8:09 AM